In one word, Heartbroken.

I was in tears and deeply heartbroken when my oldest son left home and the country we were living in. I physically felt a painful emptiness in my chest and I had trouble breathing.

My son, at that time almost 16, was attending boarding school. He was happy, excited and had been looking forward to this day for so long. His only concern was this guilt he felt about “splitting up” the family, which made me even more unhappy. He had my blessing. I wanted this for him.

Luckily for me, my son has always accepted his “embarrassing” mother. Cause tears of joy and sadness has always been a part of me and who I am, both private and professionally.

“Sending off” our most precious… phew.. that was tough. He knows that absolutely most parents feels the same, we just show it in different ways.

But still, I was devastated, walked around the almost empty house feeling like a piece of me was missing.

The first couple of months were tough. For all of us. But as he settled, found his new way and got new friends it helped. For me; I could start breathing again. Seeing this little boy, becoming a well balanced young man, his I mmense joy in studying and loving life - my heart started healing.

Yes, I do still miss him and life will never be the same. It will be different. It will be happy.

I am dealing with it and with knowing what I do know now about my reactions, I will prepare for my youngest “departure” in a year. He is already excited and looking forward to the life his brother is living.

So my nest will not be empty yet, and I trust I did teach them well to fly. It helps me to remember this, and makes me the happiest and most proud Momma ever.

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Thank you so much for sharing Camilla. ❤️❤️❤️

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