
22nd of December on the PAUSE Advents Calendar

The greatest gift we can give each other is our presence. Let´s give each other some smiles today.

"A Gift To Share." by Alora M. Knight

I was given a smile the other day
From someone who passed me on their way.
I wasn't sure what I should do. 
Perhaps, I'll leave it up to you.

If I should keep it for myself,
Put it on the kitchen shelf.
Then it would be a certainty
To bring some happiness to me.

Somehow that doesn't feel just right
For me to keep it in my sight
When there were others who might need
A waft of warmth, oh yes indeed.

It doesn't take so very much,
A cheerful smile, a gentle touch,
To lift the cloud another bears,
To help them feel somebody cares.

There is one thing we all should know.
A smile is like the candle's glow.
No matter how many candles share
That light, its fullness still is there.

So when I go out on the street,
No matter whom I chance to meet,
If I share with them my precious smile,
Do you think that will be worthwhile?

For hopefully, they too, will understand
That a smile is like a helping hand.
I'm hoping that you will agree
And someday share a smile with me.

Enjoy the smiles you give and receive today.



Shared from https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/a-gift-to-share